
I have a observable in my function and i just want to apply required validation to it . so i done like this

View model:

self.textareadata = ko.observable().extend({required:true});

var errors = ko.validation.group(self.textareadata);

On button click i am trying to fire up the validation like

self.click = function()
if(errors().length <=0)  
{//post data}

// i tried errors.length but its failing me i.e length always zero .

Using the above if condition on button click if i dont have any data in my text area control i get the message this field is required but when i enter something(automatically messages clear's) and again click means here i am stuck i.e else condition firing not expected if .

So debugged and checked i.e i can find a index[0] of null value . This i making my if condition fail .

I try validatedobservable if i use multiple observable validation but as it's a single one i want to do it by group .

Fiddle attached click Here

Anything i'm missing here & Help is appreaciated .


1 Answers


You need to provide array in group

self.errors = ko.validation.group([self.textareadata]);

Then use it like this

self.click = function()
    if(self.errors().length == 0)  
        //post data