I'm trying to fit a 2D-Gaussian to some greyscale image data, which is given by one 2D array. The lmfit library implements a easy-to-use Model class, that should be capable of doing this. Unfortunately the documentation (http://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/model.html) does only provide examples for 1D fitting. For my case I simply construct the lmfit Model with 2 independent variables.
The following code seems valid for me, but causes scipy to throw a "minpack.error: Result from function call is not a proper array of floats."
Tom sum it up: How to input 2D (x1,x2)->(y) data to a Model of lmfit.?
Here is my approach: Everything is packed in a GaussianFit2D class, but here are the important parts: That's the Gaussian function. The documentation says about user defined functions
Of course, the model function will have to return an array that will be the same size as the data being modeled. Generally this is handled by also specifying one or more independent variables.
I don't really get what this should mean, since for given values x1,x2 the only reasonable result is a scalar value.
def _function(self, x1, x2, amp, wid, cen1, cen2):
val = (amp/(np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*wid)) * np.exp(-((x1-cen1)**2+(x2-cen2)**2)/(2*wid**2))
return val
Here the model is generated:
def _buildModel(self, **kwargs):
model = lmfit.Model(self._function, independent_vars=["x1", "x2"],
param_names=["amp", "wid", "cen1", "cen2"])
return model
That's the function that takes the data, builds the model and params and calls lmfit fit():
def fit(self, data, freeX, **kwargs):
freeX = np.asarray(freeX, float)
model = self._buildModel(**kwargs)
params = self._generateModelParams(model, **kwargs)
model.fit(data, x1=freeX[0], x2=freeX[1], params=params)
Anf finally here this fit function gets called:
data = np.asarray(img, float)
gaussFit = GaussianFit2D()
x1 = np.arange(len(img[0, :]))
x2 = np.arange(len(img[:, 0]))
fit = gaussFit.fit(data, [x1, x2])
, or are other tools (curve_fit
from scipy) also fine? – user707650