I read the documentation available for Laravel 5's new Elixir.
I have written this code and run gulp multiple times, however, the compiled/minified css and js are not coming in:
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function(mix) {
I've run npm install
and gulp
in the CLI and I get this output (which seems normal):
[05:15:58] Starting 'default'...
[05:15:58] Starting 'styles'...
[05:16:00] Finished 'default' after 1.32 s
[05:16:00] Finished 'styles' after 1.32 s
[05:16:00] Starting 'scripts'...
[05:16:00] Finished 'scripts' after 456 ms
[05:16:00] Starting 'version'...
[05:16:00] Finished 'version' after 2.6 ms
What's the problem here? I also watched the Laracast and it seems I'm doing everything properly.
It's difficult to find a good answer given this is new.