
I added a boolean field to a openerp 7 form at on_change I call my method in order to change offer field values on the form my method returns:

{'value': {'fieldname': 'newfieldvalue'}}

I want replace the boolean field with a button, but my method don't work for buttons that is the right return value for a button in order to change field values on the same form.


2 Answers


You can define a function for that button as follows :- let your field be 'checked'

   def pass(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
       return self.write(cr, uid, ids, {'checked': True})

A button on a form always saves the form first (calls write on the model) and then executes the button method.

So, you will need to write a button method that writes the value into the field and then if you return True I think the form is redisplayed.

Have a look at the Calculate Taxes button on the customer or supplier invoice forms for an example.