I'm using version 4.3.0 of the Windows Azure Storage libraries for .NET. In my ATS repository class, I have a couple of batch delete methods that look like this:
public async Task DeleteAsync(IEnumerable<T> entities)
await ExecuteAsBatch(entities, (batch, entity) => batch.Delete(entity));
private async Task ExecuteAsBatch(IEnumerable<T> entities, Action<TableBatchOperation, T> batchAction)
var byPartition = entities.GroupBy(x => x.PartitionKey).ToList();
await byPartition.ForEachParallel(async group =>
// A maximum of 100 actions are allowed per batch job
var segments = group.ToList().ToSegmentedList(100);
await segments.ForEachParallel(async segment =>
var batch = new TableBatchOperation();
foreach (var entity in segment)
batchAction(batch, entity);
await Table.ExecuteBatchAsync(batch);
}, 10);
}, 10);
In other places in my code, that DeleteAsync()
method works correctly. However, in one particular place, I get this error message when executing the batch:
Unexpected Response Code for Operation: 0
Here's the call site:
private async Task MergeAtsOrganizationUserEvents(int organizationId, IEnumerable<CustomerUserEvent> fromEvents, CustomerUser to)
var toDelete = (await fromEvents.SelectParallel(async fromEvent =>
var pkey = AtsOrganizationUserEventByMinute.GetPartitionKey(organizationId, fromEvent.OccurredOn);
var rkey = AtsOrganizationUserEventByMinute.GetRowKey(fromEvent.OccurredOn, fromEvent.CustomerUserEventId);
return await Ats.OrganizationUserEventByMinute.FindByPartitionRowAsync(pkey, rkey);
})).Where(x => x != null).ToList();
var toInsert = toDelete
.Select(x => AtsOrganizationUserEventByMinute.FromBase(x.OrganizationId, x.OccurredOn, x.CookieId,
to.CustomerUserId, x))
await Ats.OrganizationUserEventByMinute.UpsertAsync(toInsert);
await Ats.OrganizationUserEventByMinute.DeleteAsync(toDelete);
catch (Exception ex)
_logger.Error("Unable to merge {0} AtsOrganizationEvents for org {1}, to customer user {2}: {3}",
toInsert.Count, organizationId, to.CustomerUserId, ex.CompleteMessage());
The UpsertAsync()
method above succeeds, but the DeleteAsync()
fails. Note that it fails to delete precisely the same entities that FindByPartitionRowAsync()
retrieved from the table, so I can't quite imagine how it could have anything to do with malformed entities or anything of that ilk.
Here's an example of one of the "toDelete" objects (in JSON format):
"ETag":"W/\\" datetime'2014-10-20T18%3A17%3A11.237Z'\\""
Azure Storage error messages are notoriously and spectacularly unhelpful, and Googling has returned nothing about batch deletes failing with this particular error.
This fails both when using local development storage and in production.
Any thoughts?