Here is my problem: All of the three sequence flows after the fork have to be checked separately and if they are negative I want to have a different process P2 being started. After P2 has been finished I want to go back into the process starting at P1 and I want to check all three sequence flows again after they have been forked.
Maybe an example helps to understand: We suppose C1 & C2 are positive, C3 is negative in the first iteration, so the system waits at the merging gateway for C3 while another iteration is started after the process P2. Now in the 2nd check C1 & C3 are positive and C2 is negative. Here is the problem: the exclusive gateway will join the sequence flows as if all checks were positive, even though C2 was negative in the 2nd iteration. I want it only to join them when ALL checks were positive in the SAME iteration.