I'm learning about FireMonkey styles - my main reference has been here. Everything I've tried with simple labels and shapes has worked fine but I'm now working with a TListBox and trying to do two things:
- Set the font of items in a TListBox.
- Remove its border (it's client aligned in a TCalloutPanel).
I am using the method of creating a StyleBook on the form, right-clicking the control and choosing 'Edit Custom style'. (I'd be equally happy to make runtime changes though).
The only success I've had with the font is to create multiple TListBoxItem's and use their individual text settings. Is there no way of them inherited a parent setting as with VCL? I would really like to add list box items simply as in the VCL with:
ListBox1.Items.Add( 'text' )
but I cannot see a run time way of getting at the internal TListBoxItem array that I see is created.
The other problem is that I can see no way of removing the border rectangle. A plain rectangle is easy - it has a stroke - but digging through all the layout options of a TListBox in the StyleBook I just cant see a stroke anywhere.
I'm using XE7. Am I missing something?
Thanks for any help.