
I'm new to OpenCL and trying to understand how to optimise matrix multiplication to become familiar with the various paradigms. Here's the current code. If I'm multipliying matrices A and B. I allocate a row of A in private memory to start with (because each work item uses it), and a column of B in local memory (because each work group uses it).

1) the code is currently incorrect, unfortunately I'm struggling on how to use local work ids to get the correct code, but I can't find my mistake? I'm basing myself on http://www.cs.bris.ac.uk/home/simonm/workshops/OpenCL_lecture3.pdf but (slide 27) it seems that this is wrong as they don't make use of loc_size in their internal loop)

2) Are there any other optimisations you would suggest with this code?

 __kernel void mmul(
  __global int* C,
 __global int* A, 
 __global int* B,
   const int rA, 
   const int rB,
   const int cC, 
   __local char* local_mem) 
   int k,ty; 
   int tx = get_global_id(0); 
   int loctx = get_local_id(0); 
   int loc_size = get_local_size(0);
   int value = 0 ;
   int tmp_array[1000]; 
   for(k=0;k<rB;k++) { 
     tmp_array[k] = A[tx * cA + k] ;
   for (ty=0 ; ty < cC ; ty++) { \n" \
     for (k = loctx ; k < rB ; k+=loc_size) { 
         local_mem[k] = B[ty + k * cC] ;
       value = 0 ; 
       for(k=0;k<rB;k+=1) {
           int i = loctx + k*loc_size;
           value += tmp_array[k] * local_mem[i]; 
   C[ty + (tx * cC)] = value; 

where I set the global and local work items as follows

const size_t globalWorkItems[1] = {result_row};
const size_t localWorkItems[1] = {(size_t)local_wi_size};

local_wi_size is result_row/number of compute units (such that result_row % compute units == 0)

does your code sample get the correct results? have you tried with smaller matrices? what are the global and local work dimensions?mfa

1 Answers


Your code is pretty close, but the indexing into the local memory array is actually simpler that you think. You have a row in private memory and a column in local memory, and you need to compute the dot product of these two vectors. You just need to sum row[k]*col[k], for k = 0 up to N-1:

for(k=0;k<rB;k+=1) {
    value += tmp_array[k] * local_mem[k]; 

There's actually a second, more subtle bug that is also present in the example solution given on the slides you are using. Since you are reading and writing local memory inside a loop, you actually need two barriers, in order to make sure that work-items writing to local memory on iteration i don't overwrite values that are being read by other work-items executing iteration i-1.

Therefore, the full code for your kernel (tested and working), should look something like this:

__kernel void mmul(
  __global int* C,
  __global int* A,
  __global int* B,
     const int rA,
     const int rB,
     const int cC,
  __local char* local_mem)
  int k,ty;
  int tx = get_global_id(0);
  int loctx = get_local_id(0);
  int loc_size = get_local_size(0);
  int value = 0;
  int tmp_array[1000];
  for(k=0;k<rB;k++) {
    tmp_array[k] = A[tx * cA + k] ;
  for (ty=0 ; ty < cC ; ty++) {

    for (k = loctx ; k < rB ; k+=loc_size) {
      local_mem[k] = B[ty + k * cC];
    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // First barrier to ensure writes have finished

    value = 0;
    for(k=0;k<rB;k+=1) {
      value += tmp_array[k] * local_mem[k];
    C[ty + (tx * cC)] = value;

    barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE); // Second barrier to ensure reads have finished

You can find the full set of exercises and solutions that go with the slides you are looking at on the HandsOnOpenCL GitHub page. There's also a more complete set of slides from the same tutorial available here, which go on to show a much more optimised matrix multiply example that uses a blocking approach to better exploit temporal and spatial locality. The aforementioned missing barrier bug has been fixed in the example solution code, but not on the slides (yet).