
I am trying to add two currency columns in a calculated column but am getting a #NULL! error.

This seems pretty straightforward but its my first time doing this in SharePoint.

SharePoint 2010 with Excel Services available.

Have create List with required columns:

Approved Value column Type = Currency

Pending Value column Type = Currency

Total Value column Calculated (calculation based on other columns) Type = Currency Formula: =[Approved Value]+[Pending Value]

The values in other columns are indeed currency, but the Total shows #NULL! for all items.

I can't see anything done incorrectly.

What should I be looking for to resolve this problem?


2 Answers


Try using the ISBLANK function to previously check if any of the value is null.

Reference: ISBLANK function


I ended up using NZ(Value, 0)

=NZ([Approved Value],0)+NZ([Pending Value],0)

Though not sure how NULLs ended up in field or why SharePoint couldn't deal with them without this special treatment.