So I'm supposed to Texture Map a specific model I've loaded into a scene (with a Framebuffer and a Planar Pinhole Camera), however I'm not allowed to use OpenGL and I have no idea how to do it otherwise (we do use glDrawPixels for other functionality, but that's the only function we can use).
Is anyone here able enough to give me a run-through on how to texture map without OpenGL functionality?
I'm supposed to use these slides:
But they make very little sense to me.
What I've gathered so far is the following:
You iterate over a model, and assign each triangle "texture coordinates" (which I'm not sure what those are), and then use "model space interpolation" (again, I don't understand what that is) to apply the texture with the right perspective.
I currently have my program doing the following:
TL;DR: 1. What is model space interpolation/how do I do it? 2. What explicitly are texture coordinates? 3. How, on a high level (in layman's terms) do I texture map a model without using OpenGL.