I do not understand these node value things at all i am trying to replicate an xml design in php but
having quite a bit of trouble the file i am trying to reproduce through php is.
And the PHP file to recreate this is almost all done
$dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
// create root element
$root = $dom->createElement("Items");
// create child element
$item = $dom->createElement("item");
// create text node
$id = $dom->createElement("id");
$name = $dom->createElement("name");
$price = $dom->createElement("price");
$quantity = $dom->createElement("quantity");
$description = $dom->createElement("description");
$qonhold = $dom->createElement("qonhold");
$qsold = $dom->createElement("qsold");
The problem i am having is its saving it all under "items" being the root.. but i can not get everything id, name, price, quantity, description, qonhold, qsold to save under just "item" which is saved under "items