Here's an alternative solution to the other one I posted.
You seem to want to make an ADT for polynomials, where I'd use a Map, but let's go with a list of terms. First some imports:
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy, groupBy, foldl1')
This way a polynomial is a list of terms, sorted with the highest power first, and a term is aX^n, represented by X a n
newtype Poly a n = Poly {terms :: [Term a n]} deriving (Show)
data Term a n = X {coeff :: a, power :: n} deriving (Eq,Show)
Let's make some simple polynomials:
zero = Poly []
x = Poly [X 1 1]
constant :: (Num a,Eq a,Num n) => a -> Poly a n
constant 0 = zero
constant a = Poly [X a 0]
Once we've defined the Num instance, we'll be able to make X 3 4
by writing 3*x^4
A standard thing to do with a polynomial is evaluate it with a particular value for x.
subst :: (Num a, Integral n) => a -> Term a n -> a
subst x (X a n) = a * x ^ n
evalAt :: (Num a, Integral n) => a -> Poly a n -> a
evalAt x = sum . map (subst x) . terms
I'd like to be able to map on the coefficients, but I don't want to make this an instance of Functor because it's a classic student error to apply operations like squaring, applying trigonometrical or logarithmic functions or taking square roots term by term, when in fact only a tiny few things like scalar multiplication, differentiation and integration work like this. Providing fmap encourages you to do wong things like fmap (+1)
instead of (+ (constant 1))
mapCoeffs :: (a -> b) -> Poly a n -> Poly b n
mapCoeffs f = Poly . map f' . terms
where f' (X a n) = X (f a) n
We'll need to add and multiply terms, and collect like terms. When we collect like terms, we sort in reverse order of power and omit terms with zero coefficients.
addTerm (X a n) (X b m) | n == m = X (a+b) n
| otherwise = error "addTerm: mismatched powers"
multTerm (X a n) (X b m) = X (a*b) (n+m)
collectLikeTerms :: (Num a, Ord n, Eq a) => Poly a n -> Poly a n
collectLikeTerms = Poly . filter ((/= 0).coeff) -- no zero coeffs
. map (foldl1' addTerm) -- add the like powers
. groupBy ((==) `on` power) -- group the like powers
. sortBy (flip compare `on` power) -- sort in reverse powers
. terms
Now we can make the instances:
instance (Eq a,Num a,Ord n,Num n) => Eq (Poly a n) where
f == g = f - g == zero
instance (Eq a,Num a,Num n,Ord n) => Num (Poly a n) where
fromInteger = constant . fromInteger
signum (Poly []) = zero
signum (Poly (t:_)) = constant . signum . coeff $ t
abs = mapCoeffs abs
negate = mapCoeffs negate
(+) = (collectLikeTerms.) . (Poly.) . ((++) `on` terms)
(Poly ts) * (Poly ts') = collectLikeTerms $ Poly [multTerm t t' | t<-ts, t'<-ts']
In action:
ghci> 5*x^2 + 6*x^7 + 2
Poly {terms = [X {coeff = 6, power = 7},X {coeff = 5, power = 2},X {coeff = 2, power = 0}]}
) with its constructors (Const
);Const 1
constructs aPoly
;Poly 1
can't – dafx^2 + 2x^7 = [(1, 2), (2, 7)] :: [(Coefficient, Exponent)]
, say. – Noon Silk