
In Atom editor, there is an import package that should allow user to import github repos into the Atom, here: https://atom.io/packages/import

I've tried it and it didn't work and gave me this error:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'projectHome' of undefined 

An issue was also raised but did anyone else have the same problem and know how to resolve this? My system is an Ubuntu 14.04.1

How to import Github repos into Atom editor?

I've tried to remove ~/.atom/config file but it doesn't exist:

alvas@ubi:~/.atom$ ls
compile-cache  config.cson  nohup.out  packages  storage

I've tried removing the config.cson and the same error. When i tried to grep for ProjectHome, i got:

alvas@ubi:~/.atom$ grep -nRHI projectHome *
compile-cache/coffee/5047aaae22a3f9ac99b5d85d388d780b7e76a729.js:96:      workspace = atom.config.settings.core.projectHome;
compile-cache/coffee/5047aaae22a3f9ac99b5d85d388d780b7e76a729.js:97:      defaultWorkspace = atom.config.defaultSettings.core.projectHome;
packages/import/lib/import-view.coffee:41:    workspace = atom.config.settings.core.projectHome
packages/import/lib/import-view.coffee:42:    defaultWorkspace = atom.config.defaultSettings.core.projectHome

1 Answers


You can try, to see if that make the issue go away, a similar solution like issue 3845:

Hm, the issue disappeared after I'd remove my ~/.atom/config.
I don't remember if I set something there with hands – guess some of local installed package did something :(

You can see a similar error at Atom.project.path (cannot call path of undefined in test), which points out that not every variable are set.