I'm currently looking into the Office 365 API. Is it possible to create a Service Account which will make calls to the API on behalf of an application and not a user?
Google has the following : https://developers.google.com/accounts/docs/OAuth2#serviceaccount
Thanks for getting back to me. Would it be possible to do the following using the API. I think it is from what I have read on another blog but just wanted to confirm this. http://blogs.msdn.com/b/exchangedev/archive/2014/03/25/using-oauth2-to-access-calendar-contact-and-mail-api-in-exchange-online-in-office-365.aspx Could I log on using the Office 365 admin account and upload documents to users "onedrive for business" folders ie if I set the scopes outlined here http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn776442(v=office.15).aspx Overall I want to be able to move users documents into office 365 without them having to do this. Thanks