If you're within different services, then you need to use the public URL, and mark the API you want to call as "Admin" access as you mentioned.
If you want to call a custom API from a table script in the same service, then you can just "require" the custom API and call it as a regular JS function. Notice that although the API takes a "request" and a "response" parameter, this is JavaScript, so anything that looks like a request / response will work (duck typing). For example, if I have this custom API called 'calculator' defined as follows:
exports.post = function(request, response) {
var x = request.body.x || request.param('x');
var y = request.body.y || request.param('y');
var op = request.body.op || request.body.operation || request.param('op');
calculateAndReturn(x, y, op, response);
exports.get = function(request, response) {
var x = request.param('x');
var y = request.param('y');
var op = request.param('op') || request.param('operator');
calculateAndReturn(x, y, op);
function calculateAndReturn(x, y, operator, response) {
var result = calculate(x, y, operator);
if (typeof result === 'undefined') {
response.send(400, { error: 'Invalid or missing parameters' });
} else {
response.send(statusCodes.OK, { result : result });
function calculate(x, y, operator) {
var undef = {}.a;
if (_isUndefined(x) || _isUndefined(y) || _isUndefined(operator)) {
return undef;
switch (operator) {
case '+':
case 'add':
return x + y;
case '-':
case 'sub':
return x - y;
case '*':
case 'mul':
return x * y;
case '/':
case 'div':
return x / y;
return undef;
function _isUndefined(x) {
return typeof x === 'undefined';
Notice that for the POST operation, it only needs from the request a 'body' parameter with three members (x, y, op), and the only function in the response that is called is send
. We can call it from a table script by passing what it needs to the calculator:
function insert(item, user, request) {
var calculator = require('../api/calculator');
var quantity = item.quantity;
var unitPrice = item.unitPrice;
calculator.post({ body: { x: quantity, y: unitPrice, op: '*' } }, {
send: function(status, body) {
if (status === statusCodes.OK) {
item.totalPrice = body.result;
} else {
request.respond(status, body);