
Good day,

I have created a simple URL action that loads an image when one clicks on a name. I have a dashbaord with two sheets and an webpage between them. The first sheet shows the stats of a particular name. The second sheet is a table of names being used as a filter to control what stats and webpage are shown. The webpage is an image link that shows a picture that corresponds to the name. I am using an URL action that pulls the full image link from the data file.

When I create the dashboard on my own computer the images show up with no issues. However, when I published online through Tableau Public the images do not show up. I am not getting an 'X' or 'image not found' error but just a blank white square.

Does this have something to do with the version I am using (Tableau 8.2 Public Professional Edition) or is there an another issue I am not realizing.

Any guidance would be most appreciated.



What is the link to the dashboard on Tableau Public?e h
The link to the dashboard is here: public.tableausoftware.com/views/poke_temp/… I should also mention. The images show up in Safari when viewed on an iPhone or Mac. They just do not show up on Windows platforms (tested in Chrome, IE, and FireFox).Paul Martino

1 Answers


Looks like this is an issue with embedding non-secure (http) URLs on a site with https (tableau public runs on https://public.tableausoftware.com).

I created a calculated field that changes your URL value from:




You can see the calc in the workbook, it is: replace([Img], "http", "https")

See: https://public.tableausoftware.com/shared/7XQBNZCBX?:display_count=no