I have hadoop 1.2.1 set up in my 3 machines. When decommissioned a machine it worked fine. But when commissioning a new datanode, it brings down my other 2 datanodes.
Set up is as follows:
- -- Namenode, SecondaryNameNode, DataNode, Tasktracker, Jobtracker
- -- DataNode, Tasktracker
- -- DataNode, Tasktracker
I have set replication factor as 2 across all the machines.
Steps I followed to commission a datanode:
First started my cluster with and using start scripts. Updated my include file with
bin/hadoop dfsadmin -refreshNodes
bin/hadoop mradmin -refreshNodes
Updated slaves file.
bin/hadoop dfsadmin -report -- This shows my intitial running datanodes as dead and the included datanode alive.
Please let me know whats wrong in this process and why the other datanodes are brought down.