I've just started using Google Apps script to manage some sheets for a project i'm working on, I am new to Javascript so please go easy if there are any howlers in my code!.
We have and app called forms2mobile that captures data and drops it into a Google spreadsheet. It actually drops different data into different sheets depending on which part of the app you use.
I've hacked together a script that pulls all data from one sheet (source), and drops only certain columns into a second sheet (destination). It then deletes all rows from the source, and any blank rows from the destination.
The problem I have is with deleting blank rows from the destination. Typically the destination will have empty rows at the bottom, and the code I have will only delete empty rows within the range that contains data. So i'm always left with empty rows at the bottom.
The destination sheet will then be used as a data source for forms2mobile, which of course isn't happy with empty rows.
I've found the class getMaxRows() but i'm not sure how to implement it. If anyone could make any suggestions that would be great.
Cheers Paul
function NEW_copyColumnNumbers( ) {
var spreadsheet_source = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1a89ZIUcy-8168D1damCV3Q9Ix0arQn9jGS6pgp');
var spreadsheet_target = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1GQiLt9utSH_6CV__oJwmcLOkI4E9iNIRPWU7Xr');
var range_input = spreadsheet_source.getRange("A2:CC407");
var range_output = spreadsheet_target.getRange("A"+(spreadsheet_target.getLastRow()+1));
var keep_columns = [66,66,10,11,12,13,14,23,26,31,69,71,74,75,80];
copyColumnNumbers(range_input, range_output, keep_columns);
function copyColumnNumbers( range_input, range_output, columns_keep_num ) {
// Create an array of arrays containing the values in the input range.
var range_values = range_input.getValues();
// Loop through each inner array.
for ( var i = 0, row_count = range_values.length; i < row_count; i++ ) {
// Loop through the indices to keep and use these indices to
// select values from the inner array.
for ( j = 0, col_keep_count = columns_keep_num.length; j < col_keep_count; j++ ) {
// Capture the value to keep
var keep_val = range_values[i][columns_keep_num[j]];
// Write the value to the output using the offset method of the output range argument.
function clearEmptyRows() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1GQiLt9utSH_6CV__oJwmcLOkI4E9iNIRPWU7Xr');
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
var values = s.getDataRange().getValues();
nextLine: for( var i = values.length-1; i >=0; i-- ) {
for( var j = 0; j < values[i].length; j++ )
if( values[i][j] != "" )
continue nextLine;
//I iterate it backwards on purpose, so I do not have to calculate the indexes after a removal
function clearSourceData() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openById('1a89ZIUcy-8168D1damCV3Q9Ix0arQn9jGS6pgp');
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
var data = s.getDataRange().getValues();
for(var n =data.length+1 ; n<0 ; n--){
s.deleteRows(2, (s.getLastRow()-1));