I am having a furious struggle with the WPF Combobox in our bi-languge application. I have the combobox binded to a collection. I have a button that replaces the values of the collection with their corresponding string values in another language. What is the problem: I select a value from the drop down list. I change the language, by pressing a button, then the displayed value remains on the old language, but when the drop down is dropped the values in in are replaced with the right ones. Here is my XAML:
<ComboBox x:Name="ProjectClassComboBox"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=ProjectClassCollection}"
SelectedValue="{Binding Path=RegionContext.CurrentItem.ClassNomenclatureId, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" />
Update: Because it is asked in the comments I must add that the collectionis a custom class of ours, DERIVED from ObservableCollection, that is fairly complex. The collection items must be implementing INotifyPropertyChanged, and the collection has a listener to the PropertyChanged event of each item.
It just looks like the displayed text of the combo is not updated, when the drop down list and the selected item value is updated.