
I am facing some issues in getting the values from the payload in jdbc-outbound-adapter. The details are given below

a) Downloading csv files from remote server using int-sftp:inbound-channel-adapter

b). Adding filename to the header using header-enricher

<int:transformer id="filetoPojoTransformer" input-channel="outputChannel" method="processContent"
          output-channel="fileOutputChannel" ref="FileToPOJOTransformer" />

c. Transforming the file content to POJO using custom transformer (used openCSV library to acheive this)

<int:transformer id="filetoPojoTransformer" input-channel="outputChannel" method="processContent"
          output-channel="fileOutputChannel" ref="FileToPOJOTransformer" />

d) FileToPOJOTransformer class below

public class FileToPOJOTransformer { 

    public List processContent(File file){   
            String[] columns = null;
            List<String> lines = null;
            List<Model1> list = null;

                try {
                    lines = Files.readAllLines(file.toPath(), 
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                columns = lines.get(0).split(",");              

                final ColumnPositionMappingStrategy<Model1> strategy = new ColumnPositionMappingStrategy<>();
                final CsvToBean<Model1> csvToBean = new CsvToBean<>();

                try (final Reader reader = new FileReader(file)) {
                    list = csvToBean.parse(strategy, reader);
                } catch (IOException ex) {
                    throw new RuntimeException(ex);
        return list;


e) Using router delegating to corresponding channels based on the file name

<int:recipient-list-router id="customRouter" input-channel="fileOutputChannel" default-output-channel="nullChannel">
       <int:recipient channel="channel1" selector-expression="headers['fileName'].startsWith('File1')"/>
       <int:recipient channel="channel2" selector-expression="headers['fileName'].startsWith('File2')"/>       

f) Now I have to store the content of CSV to database so I have used jdbc-outbound-adapter

        id="jdbcOutBoundAdapterEndpoint1" channel="channel1"  
        query="insert into ImodiumTracking.ResponsesSent (Col1) 

I have tried different options to get the bean values but didn't work. How to obtain the bean values in the jdbc-outbound-adapter from the payload which contains list of POJOs


1 Answers

  1. Show an expcetion
  2. Show the content of your List
  3. Why don't split that List to store each item to the DB?

Try this:

query="insert into ImodiumTracking.ResponsesSent (Col1) values(:payload[0].col1)"

if your POJO has getCol1()