
I would like to store data, eg. user name and surname to display them in many layouts. I want to set some variable in one controller and use it in layout.

Any solutions?

I created some similar layouts where i put:

<span id="STATUS">LOGGED: <span id="USERNAME"><?php echo $this->name. ' ' . $this->surname; ?></span>

But firstly, in some action of controller I get name and surname from database:

$db = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('MyDatabase'); $sql = 'SELECT * FROM Users'; $statement = $db->query($sql);/ $result = $statement->execute();

Then i set static variables in controller:

self::$name = $result['name']; self::$surname = $result['surname'];

Next in actions i change layout and pass variables to it:

$this->layout('layout/student'); $this->layout()->name = self::$name; $this->layout()->surname = self::$surname;

But I do not want get data from database in every controllers and pass variables in each of actions.

can you give some more details? When you say Layouts do you speak about the default layout or the Actions Layout?dixromos98
I created new layout for some action and I changing layout in some actions in different controllers by $this->layout('layout/mylayout);Łukasz
Okay. Please add some code and details of what you would like to achieve so i can try and help you.dixromos98

1 Answers


Okay my solution is this.

Inside your module.php

public function onBootstrap(MvcEvent $e)

    $sharedEvents = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager()->getSharedManager();
    $sharedEvents->attach(__NAMESPACE__, 'dispatch', function($e) {
    //This event will only be fired when an ActionController under the MyModule namespace is dispatched.
    $controller = $e->getTarget();

    //to be able to view actions and controllers
    $params = $e->getApplication()->getMvcEvent()->getRouteMatch()->getParams();
    $nameSurnameArray = $controller->getServiceLocator()->get('NAMEOFTABLEWITHSQL')->getNameSurname();
        if($params['action'] == 'test'){

        $controller->layout()->name = $nameSurnameArray['name'];
        $controller->layout()->surname = $nameSurnameArray['surname']';

    }, 100);

    $eventManager        = $e->getApplication()->getEventManager();
    $serviceManager      = $e->getApplication()->getServiceManager();
    $moduleRouteListener = new ModuleRouteListener();

So if the route is the Action test then testLayout is loaded and i pass to that layout the name and surname i got from database. Similarly you can specify a controller ($params['controller'] == 'testModule\Controller\testController') instead of an action if you have the same layout for one controller.

This solution can be improved i guess but hopefully it will point you to the right direction