
I am using MS Project to list all the projects and work my department is doing. I have created custom fields (Text 1(proj name) and Text 2 (proj number)) in my Gantt Chart view for each task and subtask. How can I create a macro to get these to show up in my Resource Usage view with all the data I entered in at the Gantt Chart view? I want to see a list of all my resources, what tasks that they are assigned to and see those custom fields for each of those tasks. Thank you.

What have you tried? please show some source code and state specifically what your problem isStormeHawke
Here is something I tried but I don't think I have it right.Brad H
Sub test() 'Variables for tracking current task and Resource Dim T As Task Dim R As Resource Dim A As Assignment Set ts = ActiveProject.Tasks 'Looping through all tasks in the project For Each T In ActiveProject.Tasks 'Checking to see if task is blank If Not T Is Nothing Then 'Looping through each Resource for a task For Each R In Tasks.Assignment If Assignments = T.Name Then R.Text1 = T.Text1 End If Next R End If Next T End SubBrad H

2 Answers


There are two sets of custom fields against assignments. Resource.assignments and task.assignments.

If you reference the assignments via the tasks collection in VBA or the task usage view in the client you'll be updating the task.assignment field.

If you access the assignment via the resources collection or the resource usage view, then it's the resource.assignments field you're updating.

If you want them both to align, you need a routine that steps through all the tasks, then each assignment for each task, then locate the same assignment via the resources collection, and set task.assignments.text21 = resources.assignments.text21 (for example).

This was introduced in 2007 i think - not viewed as a bug by Microsoft, just a new feature.


The "task" data you see in the Resource Usage view and the "resource" data you see in the Task Usage view are actually the Assignment data.


Thanks to @Andrew's clarification on the two sets of custom text fields for assignments, I've updated the code so that the task's Text1 field is visible in both the Task Usage view and the Resource Usage view.

Here's a macro that updates the Assignment Text1 field with the task's Text1 field:

Sub UpdateAssignmentInfo()
    Dim tsk As Task
    Dim asn As Assignment
    For Each tsk In ActiveProject.Tasks
        For Each asn In tsk.Assignments
            asn.Text1 = tsk.Text1
        Next asn
    Next tsk
    Dim res As Resource
    For Each res In ActiveProject.Resources
        For Each asn In res.Assignments
            asn.Text1 = asn.Task.Text1
        Next asn
    Next res
End Sub