The answer from Chris is an accurate answer. Just to add a few points from prior experience using DynamoDB …
The situation with DynamoDB is different from EC2. The elastic compute service has an API supported directly as a web service by Amazon to allow you to program how to scale up or down according some logic such as how much demand exists. You program this by defining a monitoring threshold and automatically triggering creation or deletion of instances in a group.
Data servers do not work in the same way with triggers to adjust their capacity. But the capacity of DynamoDB is very flexible and may be controlled as Chris has pointed out. The API to provide this is good enough to make one off changes. Or equivalent manual changes from the console.
The different language bindings to program create and update actions with DynamoDB is here …
The important operation to modify capacity is here …
So this gives you the ability to make an increase or decrease in the ReadCapacityUnits or WriteCapacityUnits of ProvisionedThroughput.
Which is fine for a predicted or one-off change. But that is not the same thing as a flexibility tool to allow you to trigger the change automatically.
Programmatically, what you are most likely to want to do is to adjust capacity in response to change in utilization in the preceding time interval. In particular you may need to scale up rapidly in response to a surge in demand by defining an appropriate time slot and a lower and upper threshold to trigger.
A more complete solution to achieve this is described here …
The solution is maintained by Sebastian Dahlgren and may be found with all instructions at …
I see that the current release is 1.18.5 which is more recent than when I last used it.
Judging from earlier releases it is simple to configure by means of a dynamodb.conf properties style file …
Having provided credentials and region, the most crucial settings are
— to test throughput in seconds
min-provisioned-reads, max-provisioned-reads; reads-upper-threshold, reads-lower-threshold; increase-reads-with, decrease-reads-with
— These are all percentages
min-provisioned-writes, max-provisioned-writes; writes-upper-threshold, writes-lower-threshold; increase-writes-with, decrease-writes-with
— These are all percentages
Is this information up to date?
Well if you look at you will see just one additional recent change affecting DynamoDB which affects the documents stored. The entry for Dynamic DynamoDB is the last published entry dealing with scaling actions. So this is the best maintained DynamoDB automatic scaling capability at this time.