A transducer clear definition is here:
Transducers are a powerful and composable way to build algorithmic transformations that you can reuse in many contexts, and they’re coming to Clojure core and core.async.
To understand it, let's consider the following simple example:
;; The Families in the Village
(def village
[{:home :north :family "smith" :name "sue" :age 37 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "stan" :age 35 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "simon" :age 7 :sex :m :role :child}
{:home :north :family "smith" :name "sadie" :age 5 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jill" :age 45 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jeff" :age 45 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jackie" :age 19 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "jason" :age 16 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :south :family "jones" :name "june" :age 14 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "billie" :age 55 :sex :f :role :parent}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "brian" :age 23 :sex :m :role :child}
{:home :west :family "brown" :name "bettie" :age 29 :sex :f :role :child}
{:home :east :family "williams" :name "walter" :age 23 :sex :m :role :parent}
{:home :east :family "williams" :name "wanda" :age 3 :sex :f :role :child}])
What about it we want to know how many children are in the village? We can easily find it out with the following reducer:
;; Example 1a - using a reducer to add up all the mapped values
(def ex1a-map-children-to-value-1 (r/map #(if (= :child (:role %)) 1 0)))
(r/reduce + 0 (ex1a-map-children-to-value-1 village))
Here is another way to do it:
;; Example 1b - using a transducer to add up all the mapped values
;; create the transducers using the new arity for map that
;; takes just the function, no collection
(def ex1b-map-children-to-value-1 (map #(if (= :child (:role %)) 1 0)))
;; now use transduce (c.f r/reduce) with the transducer to get the answer
(transduce ex1b-map-children-to-value-1 + 0 village)
Besides, it is really powerful when taking subgroups in account as well. For instance, if we would like to know how many children are in Brown Family, we can execute:
;; Example 2a - using a reducer to count the children in the Brown family
;; create the reducer to select members of the Brown family
(def ex2a-select-brown-family (r/filter #(= "brown" (string/lower-case (:family %)))))
;; compose a composite function to select the Brown family and map children to 1
(def ex2a-count-brown-family-children (comp ex1a-map-children-to-value-1 ex2a-select-brown-family))
;; reduce to add up all the Brown children
(r/reduce + 0 (ex2a-count-brown-family-children village))
I hope you can find helpful these examples. You can find more here
Hope it helps.
Clemencio Morales Lucas.