I have made two relations with the respectful attributes, TEAM(TeamName,TeamID) and PLAYER(TeamID, PlayerName, PlayerHeight)
I am trying to find all the team names in which ALL the players(of that team) have a height greater than 6feet.
My assumptions are that TeamName and TeamID are related, so say TeamName X has TeamID 1 and PlayerName A,B,C can have PlayerHeight 6,7,8 and TeamID 1. Those are examples!
To my understanding, what i must do is 1. Make a Relation of Players with: project-PlayerHeight, TeamID(PLAYER) 2. Somehow calculate if "for every" separate TeamID ALL the PlayerHeight > 6 return that TeamID 3. I can't figure out the last part, and i know the first two are wrong.
Please help, i am very confused and if explained to me i will learn it correctly. Thank you!