
I'm trying to encrypt a handful of fields on domain entities before insert/update and decrypt them upon select to display in the UI.

I'm using Spring Data JPA repositories with Hibernate and an EntityListener which decrypts during @PostLoad lifecycle event and encrypts during @PrePersist and @PreUpdate. The problem I have is that once the record is loaded from the DB into the PersistenceContext, the listener decrypts the data which makes the EntityManager think the entity has been altered which in turn triggers an Update and hence @PreUpdate encryption again. Any advice on how to handle this?

  • Spring 4.0.4.RELEASE
  • Spring Data JPA 1.5.2.RELEASE
  • Hibernate 4.2.14.Final

Is there an easy way to return detached entities from the JPA Repository?

Entity Class

public class MyCase implements Serializable, EncryptionEntity {

private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyCase.class);

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

private String caseNumber;
private byte[] secretProperty;
private byte[] iv;

public String getCaseNumber() {
    return caseNumber;
public void setCaseNumber(String caseNumber) {
    this.caseNumber = caseNumber;

public byte[] getSecretProperty() {
    return secretProperty;
public void setSecretProperty(byte[] secretProperty) {
    this.secretProperty = secretProperty;

public byte[] getIv() {
    return iv;
public void setIv(byte[] iv) {
    this.iv = iv;

public byte[] getInitializationVector() {
    return this.iv;

public void setInitializationVector(byte[] iv) {


EncryptionEntity Interface

public interface EncryptionEntity {

    public byte[] getInitializationVector();
    public void setInitializationVector(byte[] iv);

Spring Data JPA Repository

public interface MyCaseRepository extends JpaRepository<MyCase, String> {


MyCaseService Interface

public interface MyCaseService {

    public MyCase findOne(String caseNumber);

    public MyCase save(MyCase case);


MyCaseService Implementation

public class MyCaseServiceImpl implements MyCaseService {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyCaseServiceImpl.class);

    private MyCaseRepository repos;

    public MyCase findOne(String caseNumber) {
        return repos.findOne(caseNumber);

    public MyCase save(MyCase case) {

        return repos.save(case);


Encryption JPA Listener Class

public class EncryptionListener {

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EncryptionListener.class);

    private static EncryptionUtils encryptionUtils;
    private static SecureRandom secureRandom;

    private static Map<Class<? extends EncryptionEntity>, 
        List<EncryptionEntityProperty>> propertiesToEncrypt;

    public void setCrypto(EncryptionUtils encryptionUtils){
        EncryptionListener.encryptionUtils = encryptionUtils;

    public void setSecureRandom(SecureRandom secureRandom){
        EncryptionListener.secureRandom = secureRandom;

    public EncryptionListener(){

        if (propertiesToEncrypt == null){

            propertiesToEncrypt = new HashMap<Class<? extends EncryptionEntity>, List<EncryptionEntityProperty>>();

            //MY CASE
            List<EncryptionEntityProperty> propertyList = new ArrayList<EncryptionEntityProperty>();
            propertyList.add(new EncryptionEntityProperty(MyCase.class, "secretProperty", byte[].class));
            propertiesToEncrypt.put(MyCase.class, propertyList);



    public void prePersistEncryption(EncryptionEntity entity){

    public void preUpdateEncryption(EncryptionEntity entity){

    public void encryptFields(EncryptionEntity entity){
        byte[] iv = new byte[16];

        logger.debug("Encrypting " + entity);

        Class<? extends EncryptionEntity> entityClass = entity.getClass();

        List<EncryptionEntityProperty> properties = propertiesToEncrypt.get(entityClass);

        for (EncryptionEntityProperty property : properties){

            logger.debug("Encrypting '{}' field of {}", property.getName(), entityClass.getSimpleName());
            if (property.isEncryptedWithIv() == false){
                logger.debug("Encrypting '{}' without IV.", property.getName());

            try {
                byte[] bytesToEncrypt = (byte[]) property.getGetter().invoke(entity, (Object[]) null);

                if (bytesToEncrypt == null || bytesToEncrypt.length == 0){

                byte[] encrypted = encryptionUtils.encrypt(bytesToEncrypt, property.isEncryptedWithIv());

                property.getSetter().invoke(entity, new Object[]{encrypted});

            } catch (Exception e){
                logger.error("Error while encrypting '{}' property of {}: " + e.getMessage(), property.getName(), entityClass.toString());



    public void decryptFields(EncryptionEntity entity){


        logger.debug("Decrypting " + entity);

        Class<? extends EncryptionEntity> entityClass = entity.getClass();
        byte[] iv = entity.getInitializationVector();

        List<EncryptionEntityProperty> properties = propertiesToEncrypt.get(entityClass);

        for (EncryptionEntityProperty property : properties){

            try {
                byte[] value = (byte[]) property.getGetter().invoke(entity, (Object[]) null);

                if (value == null || value.length == 0){
                    logger.debug("Ignoring blank field {} of {}", property.getName(), entityClass.getSimpleName());

                logger.debug("Decrypting '{}' field of {}", property.getName(), entityClass.getSimpleName());
                if (property.isEncryptedWithIv() == false){
                    logger.debug("Decrypting '{}' without IV.", property.getName());

                byte[] decrypted = encryptionUtils.decrypt(value, iv, property.isEncryptedWithIv());

                property.getSetter().invoke(entity, new Object[]{decrypted});

            } catch (Exception e){
                logger.error("Error while decrypting '{}' property of {}", property.getName(), entityClass.toString());


Is @PostLoad invoked while calling findOne(String caseNumber) method ?wypieprz
@wypieprz, yes, the @PostLoad method is triggered by the findOne method. And the @PostUpdate is immediately triggered after the secretProperty is decrypted.Jay Goettelmann
How about executing MyCaseServiceImpl.findOne method outside of the persistence-context? The entities should be returned then as detached ones.wypieprz
Spring creates a proxy of the MyCaseRepository that uses the EntityManager. Not sure how to avoid the persistence context. Perhaps if I did not annotate the findOne method with @Transactional? I've moved on to a different approach using my EncryptionListener as an injected component to encrypt/decrypt. But it is certainly not as elegant as the transparent encryption/decryption I was hoping for.Jay Goettelmann
I guess @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.NOT_SUPPORTED) will force detachment.wypieprz

1 Answers


I know the question asked is pretty old. but i was facing the same issue and to overcome, you can use PreLoadEventListener. In your decryptFields instead of using @PostLoad use @PreLoad