
I am creating a managed bootstrapper application with WiX Burn. I need to handle some ExePackage elements which may require a forced restart. This question has some tantalizing clues about how to handle the restart, but I'm having trouble getting it working.

I have <ExitCode Value="3010" Behavior="forceReboot" /> in the ExePackage elements, and I can see that triggering in the logs. I am listening to the Shutdown event that is raised by the BootstrapperApplication and setting e.Result = Result.Restart, though I haven't figured out how to capture the condition for when this should occur when the force reboot is detected in the Apply phase. I am testing if (Command.Resume == ResumeType.Reboot) in the Run method of my BootstrapperApplication going straight to the progress bar portion of my custom UI, but I'm not sure how to resume the Apply phase where it left off. Do I need to call Engine.Detect() or Engine.Apply in this case? Is there some special action I need to take to persist and restore the state to survive the reboot, or does the Burn engine handle all of that internally?

If anyone could point me to a working example of a WiX Burn managed bootstrapper application that handles reboots, I would appreciate it.


1 Answers


Check out the implementation of WixStandardBA, even though it's not managed. Basically it does the following:

  1. At startup, check the WixBundleForcedRestartPackage variable and store it in m_sczAfterForcedRestartPackage.

  2. Call Detect like normal.

  3. Call Plan like normal.

  4. In OnPlanPackageBegin, skip packages until the package that caused the restart.

  5. Call Apply like normal.

Burn takes care of persisting the variables across the restart.