I have the following dataset (fictional data):
data have;
input team $ goals_12 goals_13 var_12_13;
LIV 20 25 .25
MNC 21 24 .14
MUN 30 25 -.17
ARS 10 12 .20
CHE 23 23 0
EVE 20 18 -.1
TOT 10 0 -1
I am trying to create a report for this dataset. Here is what I have:
proc report data=have;
column team goals_12 goals_13 var_12_13;
define team / 'Team';
define goals_12 / analysis '2012 Goals';
define goals_13 / analysis '2013 Goals';
define var_12_13 / order analysis format=percent. mean "Variance '12 to '13";
rbreak after / summarize ul ol;
This does ALMOST everything I want. The following things I have not been able to figure out:
- Name the summary row 'Summary'
- Order by descending var_12_13 so team with highest variance is first
- I need the summary of the variance column to be the variance of the totals, not the mean of the variances (so it should be -5%)