
I'm following the guides online here( http://code.google.com/android/add-ons/google-apis/mapkey.html ) and i'm having trouble "Getting the MD5 Fingerprint of Your Signing Certificate".

Ive found the location of the keytool and now when i put into the command line

keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\Chris.android\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android

i get the following error

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Keystore file does not exist: C:\Users\Chris.android\debug.keystore

Can someone shed some light and help me out as i've been trying this for ages and don't know whats wrong.

Thanks alot.


3 Answers



keytool -list -alias androiddebugkey -keystore "C:\Users\Chris.android\debug.keystore" -storepass android -keypass android

You left out a \ between Chris and .android


Export your android app,then the last page of the export will give you MD5 as well as SHA1


You first must navigate to your JAVA home directory via the cmd line. Like this:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_71\bin>

then you type

keytool -list -v -keystore c:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

So if your username is Flanders then it will be:

keytool -list -v -keystore c:\Users\Flanders\.android\debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

I will hope you know your user name. If not, you can do this:

keytool -list -v -keystore "%USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android

If you do not know where your Java home directory is check your environmental variables on you PC to determine if it was set in the PATH variable. To do this go to My PC or This PC(Windows 10)->Right CLick->Click on Properties->Click on Advanced system setting -> Click on the Environment Variables at the bottom of the window, the search the PATH variable in the User Variables.

The details to authenticate your client (including maps) is found at https://developers.google.com/android/guides/client-auth