I'm just starting out with ML and Apache Spark, so I've been trying out Linear Regression based on the Spark examples. I can't seem to generate a proper model for any data except the sample in the example, and the intercept is always 0.0, regardless of the input data.
I've prepared a simple training data-set based on the function:
y = (2*x1) + (3*x2) + 4
i.e. I would expect the intercept to be 4 and the weights to be (2, 3).
If I run the LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(...) on the raw data, the model is:
Model intercept: 0.0, weights: [NaN,NaN]
And the predictions are all NaN:
Features: [1.0,1.0], Predicted: NaN, Actual: 9.0
Features: [1.0,2.0], Predicted: NaN, Actual: 12.0
If I scale the data first, I get:
Model intercept: 0.0, weights: [17.407863391511754,2.463212481736855]
Features: [1.0,1.0], Predicted: 19.871075873248607, Actual: 9.0
Features: [1.0,2.0], Predicted: 22.334288354985464, Actual: 12.0
Features: [1.0,3.0], Predicted: 24.797500836722318, Actual: 15.0
Either I'm doing something wrong, or I don't understand what the output from this model should be, so can anybody suggest where I might be going wrong here?
My code is below:
// Load and parse the dummy data (y, x1, x2) for y = (2*x1) + (3*x2) + 4
// i.e. intercept should be 4, weights (2, 3)?
val data = sc.textFile("data/dummydata.txt")
// LabeledPoint is (label, [features])
val parsedData = data.map { line =>
val parts = line.split(',')
val label = parts(0).toDouble
val features = Array(parts(1), parts(2)) map (_.toDouble)
LabeledPoint(label, Vectors.dense(features))
// Scale the features
val scaler = new StandardScaler(withMean = true, withStd = true)
.fit(parsedData.map(x => x.features))
val scaledData = parsedData
.map(x =>
// Building the model: SGD = stochastic gradient descent
val numIterations = 1000
val step = 0.2
val model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(scaledData, numIterations, step)
println(s">>>> Model intercept: ${model.intercept}, weights: ${model.weights}")`
// Evaluate model on training examples
val valuesAndPreds = scaledData.map { point =>
val prediction = model.predict(point.features)
(point.label, point.features, prediction)
// Print out features, actual and predicted values...
valuesAndPreds.take(10).foreach({case (v, f, p) =>
println(s"Features: ${f}, Predicted: ${p}, Actual: ${v}")})
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(res, intercept = True)
– David Arenburg