This question is a refinement of my earlier one: How do I write a TypeScript declaration file for an external commonjs module that has constructor?
I'm trying to write a declaration file for the imap module: - imap on npm - node-imap What should this file look like?
After not finding a satisfactory answer to my original question above, I realize there are some competing features of the language:
- any export or import makes a module an external module
- there appears to be no way to export multiple entities from an external module that has a (module-level) constructor so shared entities must be outside the module (ambient).
See my previous question (above). - there is no way to import external modules into a declaration file outside of the declared module
The following pattern is disallowed:import fs = require('fs'); declare module 'A' {}
Here is what I have for the declaration file so far:
interface IIMAPAccount {
user: string;
password: string;
host: string;
port: number;
tls?: boolean;
interface IEMail {
mail: any;
interface ICriteria {
// The following message flags are valid types that do not have arguments:
ALL: void; // All messages.
ANSWERED: void; // Messages with the Answered flag set.
DELETED: void; // Messages with the Deleted flag set.
DRAFT: void; // Messages with the Draft flag set.
FLAGGED: void; // Messages with the Flagged flag set.
NEW: void; // Messages that have the Recent flag set but not the Seen flag.
SEEN: void; // Messages that have the Seen flag set.
RECENT: void; // Messages that have the Recent flag set.
OLD: void; // Messages that do not have the Recent flag set. This is functionally equivalent to "!RECENT" (as opposed to "!NEW").
UNANSWERED: void; // Messages that do not have the Answered flag set.
UNDELETED: void; // Messages that do not have the Deleted flag set.
UNDRAFT: void; // Messages that do not have the Draft flag set.
UNFLAGGED: void; // Messages that do not have the Flagged flag set.
UNSEEN: void; // Messages that do not have the Seen flag set.
// The following are valid types that require string value(s):
BCC: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the BCC field.
CC: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the CC field.
FROM: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the FROM field.
SUBJECT: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the SUBJECT field.
TO: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the TO field.
BODY: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the message body.
TEXT: any; // Messages that contain the specified string in the header OR the message body.
KEYWORD: any; // Messages with the specified keyword set.
HEADER: any; // Requires two string values, with the first being the header name and the second being the value to search for. If this second string is empty, all messages that contain the given header name will be returned.
// The following are valid types that require a string parseable by JavaScripts Date object OR a Date instance:
BEFORE: any; // Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the specified date.
ON: any; // Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is within the specified date.
SINCE: any; // Messages whose internal date (disregarding time and timezone) is within or later than the specified date.
SENTBEFORE: any; // Messages whose Date header (disregarding time and timezone) is earlier than the specified date.
SENTON: any; // Messages whose Date header (disregarding time and timezone) is within the specified date.
SENTSINCE: any; // Messages whose Date header (disregarding time and timezone) is within or later than the specified date.
//The following are valid types that require one Integer value:
LARGER: number; // Messages with a size larger than the specified number of bytes.
SMALLER: number; // Messages with a size smaller than the specified number of bytes.
// The following are valid criterion that require one or more Integer values:
UID: any; // Messages with UIDs corresponding to the specified UID set. Ranges are permitted (e.g. '2504:2507' or '*' or '2504:*').
interface IFetchOptions {
markSeen: boolean; // Mark message(s) as read when fetched. Default: false
struct: boolean; // Fetch the message structure. Default: false
envelope: boolean; // Fetch the message envelope. Default: false
size: boolean; // Fetch the RFC822 size. Default: false
modifiers: any; // Fetch modifiers defined by IMAP extensions. Default: (none)
bodies: any; // A string or Array of strings containing the body part section to fetch. Default: (none) Example sections:
declare module "imap" {
import events = require('events');
import EventEmitter = events.EventEmitter;
interface IMAPFetch extends EventEmitter {
class IMAP extends EventEmitter {
constructor(account : IIMAPAccount);
openBox(name : string, flag : boolean, cb : (err : Error, box) => void);
search(criteria : ICriteria, cb : (error : Error, uids : string[]) => void);
fetch(source : any, object : IFetchOptions) : IMAPFetch;
var out: typeof IMAP;
export = out;
Ideally, all of the interfaces will be defined inside of module "imap", so there is no pollution of the global scope.