I am in process of moving configuration parameters out of Java application. I discover that the best approach is to extend your classpath and use .properties
files (leave ZooKeeper alone for another requirement).
So my WAR file no longer have any hosts/IPs/URLs, users/passwords.
DevOps distribute configs manually across test, stage, stable installations.
Now time for Jenkins to run tests. But they fail as there are no required .propeties
files in classpath.
How can I load this config files to Jenkins and how to make in available in test classpath?
allow extending classpath and passing system-properties.
So only question how to get separate directory in Jenkins hosting server and load files to this directory and create alias/placeholder/envvar per build job to refer to this path in build config.
This job can be done with SSH access, but I think that this is "wrong way". I expect that this can be done via Jenkins UI (any manager can upload file in WEB browser).
UPDATE I have no requirements for distributed slave/master builds but it whould nice to have solution that migrate configuration files to slaves automatically...
In this way sshing to host or ftp/scp - bad thing.