I'm trying to integrate solr with Magento EE 1.14 on my local server.
What I did so far?
- Installed solr 3.6.2.
- Copied files from magentoroot/lib/Apache/Solr/Conf to solrroot/example/solr/conf
- started start.jar file
- re-indexed all data through cmd .
- In solrconfig.xml my default search is
and it is working fine in Magento for spell-checking .
What issue I'm having?
When I enter : * : in solr admin panel and hit search, I'm getting 404 at localhost:8983/solr/select/?q=%3A*%3A&version=2.2&start=0&rows=10&indent=on
Problem accessing /solr/select/. Reason:
If I hit localhost:8983/solr/spell?q=abc%20ultrashar&spellcheck=true&spellcheck.collate=true&spellcheck.build=true , it gives Error 500.
Problem accessing /solr/spell. Reason:
I want to configure search, spell-checking, auto-complete, facets for most of the product attributes(name, sku, price, qty, etc) through solrconfig.xml and schema.xml but I don't know exactly what all modification I have to do. Can someone suggest what all modification I've to do to work it with Magento?