I'd like to add that the tessellation option is very efficient and gives excellent results. It sounds wrong to approximate a Bezier curve by line segments, because you think the output will look like a polygon. The trick is to make the line segments short enough so that the error is very small (say, less than 1/10 of a pixel).
Here is a formula that I have used to compute the step size, to ensure that the maximum error (i.e., deviation of line segments from true curve) is less than delta:
Let (x1,y1), (x2,y2), (x3,y3), (x4,y4) be the control points of the Bezier curve, in pixel coordinates.j
dd0 = square(x1-2*x2+x3) + square(y1-2*y2+y3);
dd1 = square(x2-2*x3+x4) + square(y2-2*y3+y4);
dd = 6*sqrt(max(dd0, dd1));
Then dd is the maximal value of the 2nd derivative over the curve - because the 2nd derivative of a cubic is a linear function, this maximum must occur at an endpoint. Here I have used square(x) as an abbreviation for x*x.
if (8*delta > dd) {
epsilon = 1;
} else {
epsilon = sqrt(8*delta/dd);
Then epsilon is your step size: if you choose the endpoints of your line segments at t=0, t=epsilon, t=2*epsilon, ..., (and the last endpoint at t=1), then the line segments will be within delta of the original curve.
Choose delta = 0.1 and you get bitmap output that is visually indistinguishable from the original curve.