If one wants to fill in missing values of a variable based on previous/posterior non NA observation within a group, the data.table command is
DT[, value_filled_in := DT[!is.na(value), list(id, date, value)][DT[, list(id, date)], value, roll = TRUE]]
which is quite complex. It's a shame since roll
is a very fast and powerful option (esp compared with applying a function such as zoo::na.locf
within each group)
I can write a convenience function to fill in missing values
fill_na <- function(x , by = NULL, roll =TRUE , rollends= if (roll=="nearest") c(TRUE,TRUE)
else if (roll>=0) c(FALSE,TRUE)
else c(TRUE,FALSE)){
id <- seq_along(x)
if (is.null(by)){
DT <- data.table("x" = x, "id" = id, key = "id")
return(DT[!is.na(x)][DT[, list(id)], x, roll = roll, rollends = rollends, allow.cartesian = TRUE])
} else{
DT <- data.table("x" = x, "by" = by, "id" = id, key = c("by", "id"))
return(DT[!is.na(x)][DT[, list(by, id)], x, roll = roll, rollends = rollends, allow.cartesian = TRUE])
And then write
setkey(DT,id, date)
DT[, value_filled_in := fill_na(value, by = id)]
This is not really satisfying since one would like to write
setkey(DT,id, date)
DT[, value_filled_in := fill_na(value), by = id]
However, this takes a huge amount of time to run. And, for the end-user, it is cumbersome to learn that fill_na
should be called with the by
option, and should not be used with data.table
. Is there an elegant solution around this?
Some speed test
N <- 2e6
DT <- data.table(
date = sample(10, N, TRUE),
id = sample(1e5, N, TRUE),
value = sample(c(NA,1:5), N, TRUE),
value2 = sample(c(NA,1:5), N, TRUE)
DT<- unique(DT)
system.time(DT[, filled0 := DT[!is.na(value), list(id, date, value)][DT[, list(id, date)], value, roll = TRUE]])
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.086 0.006 0.105
system.time(DT[, filled1 := zoo::na.locf.default(value, na.rm = FALSE), by = id])
#> user system elapsed
#> 5.235 0.016 5.274
# (lower speed and no built in option like roll=integer or roll=nearest, rollend, etc)
system.time(DT[, filled2 := fill_na(value, by = id)])
#> user system elapsed
#> 0.194 0.019 0.221
system.time(DT[, filled3 := fill_na(value), by = id])
#> user system elapsed
#> 237.256 0.913 238.405
Why don't I just use na.locf.default
? Even though the speed difference is not really important, the same issue arises for other kinds of data.table commands (those that rely on a merge by the variable in "by") - it's a shame to systematically ignore them in order to get an easier syntax. I also really like all the roll options.
solution compare to this solution in terms of speed? – GSeedplyr::mutate
) not an option? – shadowtalker::
call in the zoo one, it's about 30% faster for me. i.e. callna.locf.default
instead ofzoo::na.locf.default
– GSee::
is a function and there is overhead associated with that extra function call. – GSee