
I have data that look like this

bankname    bankid  year    deposit dep_cert capital    surplus
Bank A         1    1881    244789  7250       20218    29513
Bank B         2    1881    195755  10243     185151    NA 
Bank C         3    1881    107736  13357     177612    NA
Bank D         4    1881    170600  NA         20000    NA
Bank E         5    1881    320000  351266    314012    NA

This is the code to replicate the data.

bankname <- c("Bank A","Bank B","Bank C","Bank D","Bank E")
bankid <- c( 1, 2,  3,  4,  5)
year<- c( 1881, 1881,   1881,   1881,   1881)
deposit  <- c(244789,    195755, 107736, 170600, 32000000)
bankdata<-data.frame(bankname, bankid,year,deposit, dep_cert, capital, surplus)

I want to create a new column called liability as the sum of deposit, dep_cert, capital, and surplus. This means that the data would look like this.

bankname    bankid  year    deposit dep_cert capital    surplus liability
Bank A         1    1881    244789  7250       20218    29513   301770 
Bank B         2    1881    195755  10243     185151    NA      391149
Bank C         3    1881    107736  13357     177612    NA      298705
Bank D         4    1881    170600  NA         20000    NA      190600
Bank E         5    1881    320000  351266    314012    NA      32665278

However, when I used the sum command in R, I got NAs due to missing values. In Stata, I would do

egen liability = rowtotal(deposit, dep_cert,capital, surplus)

What would be the equivalent code in R?

Also, my second question is, to replace all the missing values (NAs) with the number 0 in the data, in Stata, I would do

foreach x of varlist deposit dep_cert capital surplus {
    replace `x'=0 if missing(`x')

What would be the equivalent code in R?


4 Answers


The equivalent would be rowSums in this case:

rowSums(bankdata[c("deposit", "dep_cert", "capital", "surplus")], na.rm = TRUE)
# [1]   301770   391149   298705   190600 32665278

The main thing that you're missing is the na.rm = TRUE argument.

To add it to your data.frame, you would do:

bankdata$liability <- rowSums(bankdata[c("deposit", "dep_cert", 
                                         "capital", "surplus")], 
                              na.rm = TRUE)

To replace NA values with "0" in the same columns, you can do:

## save some typing
cols <- c("deposit", "dep_cert", "capital", "surplus")

bankdata[cols][is.na(bankdata[cols])] <- 0
#   bankname bankid year  deposit dep_cert capital surplus
# 1   Bank A      1 1881   244789     7250   20218   29513
# 2   Bank B      2 1881   195755    10243  185151       0
# 3   Bank C      3 1881   107736    13357  177612       0
# 4   Bank D      4 1881   170600        0   20000       0
# 5   Bank E      5 1881 32000000   351266  314012       0

Using data.table

nm1 <- c("deposit", "dep_cert", "capital", "surplus")

           lapply(.SD, function(x) replace(x, is.na(x), 0))),.SDcols=nm1]

 #   bankname bankid year  deposit dep_cert capital surplus liabiliy
 #1:   Bank A      1 1881   244789     7250   20218   29513   301770
 #2:   Bank B      2 1881   195755    10243  185151      NA   391149
 #3:   Bank C      3 1881   107736    13357  177612      NA   298705
 #4:   Bank D      4 1881   170600       NA   20000      NA   190600
 #5:   Bank E      5 1881 32000000   351266  314012      NA 32665278

To replace NA with 0 and do the rowSums

 setDT(bankdata)[, (nm1):=lapply(.SD, function(x) 
       replace(x, is.na(x), 0)), .SDcols=nm1][,
             liability:=Reduce(`+`, .SD), .SDcols=nm1]

 #   bankname bankid year  deposit dep_cert capital surplus liability
 #1:   Bank A      1 1881   244789     7250   20218   29513    301770
 #2:   Bank B      2 1881   195755    10243  185151       0    391149
 #3:   Bank C      3 1881   107736    13357  177612       0    298705
 #4:   Bank D      4 1881   170600        0   20000       0    190600
 #5:   Bank E      5 1881 32000000   351266  314012       0  32665278


 bankdata1 <- bankdata[rep(1:nrow(bankdata), 1e5),]
 row.names(bankdata1) <- 1:nrow(bankdata1)

 f1 <- function() {rowSums(bankdata1[c("deposit", "dep_cert", 
                                     "capital", "surplus")], 
                          na.rm = TRUE)


 f2 <- function() {nm1 <- c("deposit", "dep_cert", "capital", "surplus")
                 DT <- data.table(bankdata1, key=c('bankname', 'bankid', 'year'))  
                 DT[, liabiliy:=Reduce(`+`,
                     lapply(.SD, function(x) replace(x, is.na(x), 0))),.SDcols=nm1]

 microbenchmark(f1(), f2(), unit="relative")
 #   Unit: relative
 #expr      min       lq   median       uq      max neval
 #f1() 1.558999 1.355819 1.457036 1.426796 1.525313   100
 #f2() 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000   100

Not a full answer, but is too long to be a comment:

Your Stata code as originally stated

foreach `x' of varlist deposit dep_cert capital surplus {
    replace `x'=0 if missing(`x')

(1) would not work (2) is a bad idea any way.

This would work

foreach x of varlist deposit dep_cert capital surplus {
    replace `x' = 0 if missing(`x')

and this would work too, and is more concise,

foreach x in deposit dep_cert capital surplus {
    replace `x' = 0 if missing(`x')

but nevertheless overwriting missings with zeros in your raw data is likely to lead to loss of information and is a blow to the integrity of your data. As by default egen ignores missings when calculating row totals, it is not needed any way in this context.


For both tasks, you can also use mutate from the dplyr package.

vars <- c("deposit", "dep_cert", "capital", "surplus")

Calculating the row sum/total

As explained by A Handcart And Mohair in their answer, you can use rowSums together with na.rm = TRUE:

bankdata = bankdata %>%
    mutate(liability = rowSums(.[vars], na.rm = TRUE))

Setting NA's to 0

I would also advise you against doing this (see Nick Cox's comment), but if you need to, you can use mutate_ together with replace (see also this answer on SO).

var_fun <- paste("replace(", vars, ", is.na(", vars, "), 0)", sep="")

bankdata = bankdata %>%
    mutate_(.dots = setNames(var_fun, eval(vars)))

setNames creates a vector containing the name of the variable and the function to generate it. You need to use the underscore variant of mutate_ here in order to use quoted variable names. The technique is explained in more detail in the vignette on NSE (non-standard evaluation).