As Ken says, the interface uses clause will be modified by the IDE and the processes by which this is achieved are somewhat less than sophisticated (as you have discovered). The same problem affects the project uses clause. Unfortunately this is much harder to avoid in the case of Form/DataModule uses clauses.
You could use a Unit Alias (see David Heffernan's answer) but need to be aware that if you create an alias for a unit that the IDE wishes to add, then the IDE will still add a reference to the required unit since it does not recognise the alias as identifying that required unit. Aliasing to the System unit will avoid this since it is already (implicitly) used by every unit.
Another alternative is to remove all such conditionals from your uses list and instead create place-holder units as required so that the different compilers you wish to use on the project can each be satisfied by the single uses list combined from the list that each IDE insists is required (the IDE won't remove unused units from the uses list, something that is often a complaint but in this case actually helps solve your problem).
In this case, in your Delphi 2010 project create an empty Actions unit:
unit Actions;
You will of course need to ensure that this unit is not in the project path for your XE7 version of the project.
One way to achieve that would be ensure that the empty Actions.pas unit is not explicitly listed in the DPR uses list, but is placed in a subfolder of your project source (e.g. 'placeholders'). You can then add this subfolder to the project search path for the Delphi 2010 version but not the XE7 version:
\Project Folder
If you find that you need placeholders for each of the different versions then you will need separate placeholder folders. You might create further version specific subfolders, for example:
This sort of structure might be advisable simply from the point of view of creating an auto/self documenting organisation.
Note that this is only required for dealing with unit references in the uses clause of the interface section of Forms (or Frames etc). In non-visual units or in the implementation section, the IDE does not interfere so conditional compilation directives should present no issues there.
section instead of the defaultpublished
one, and create the components at runtime. You're fighting the IDE itself, and you won't win that battle. – Ken White{$IF CompilerVersion >= 24}System.Actions{$IFEND}
section. If I make a "typo" like (`{$IF CompilerVersion >= 24}System.Action*s{$IFEND} it complains. So, it is aware of the existence of System.Actions within the interface uses. Could it be that IDE and Compiler are not in sync ? – ss2006interface
uses clause in a form-related unit belongs to the IDE with regard to any component dropped on a form. – Ken White