
I have tried

[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarHidden:YES]; 

This does nothing.

And I have looked in my Info.plist file for "View controller-based status bar appearance" but it's not there.

How can I hide the white status bar at the top of the screen (with the clock and battery charge) inside my app for Xcode 6? Thank you!

You can add entries to Info.plist as needed. Also, I suggest searching in SO and Google. This has been asked and answered a lot. You'll need to know how to search for answers to more complex issues soon, better start now.djromero
Valid criticism, thank you.Aggressor
Just a suggestion @djromero - if we stop users posting fresh versions of old questions the answers get old - shouldn't we encourage these? This also means the newcomers who answer these questions get credit and the whole system remains alive.amergin
@amergin A duplicate question is not fresh in any sense. There are plenty of questions every day for newcomers. I don't remember exactly 1 year later, but at that moment it was obvious that the question was already answered in SO. In fact the OP thanked me, so I don't know what's your point.djromero
@amergin I don't take it as a criticism. I just want you to understand my point of view: a question can't be fresh, only different. Duplicate questions make it harder to search for them later. A suggestion or critic that you can make me: why didn't you vote to close it as dup? I don't remember.djromero

7 Answers


You need to override this method on each view controller unless you have that plist entry.


    return YES;

Swift 2

override func prefersStatusBarHidden() -> Bool {
    return true

Swift 3+

override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
    return true

And don't forget to set (if you present a view controller by calling the presentViewController:animated:completion: method):


vcToBeShownWithoutStatusbar.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = YES;


vcToBeShownWithoutStatusbar.modalPresentationCapturesStatusBarAppearance = true

Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/reference/uikit/uiviewcontroller/1621453-modalpresentationcapturesstatusb

If you change status bar from some container view controller (eg. UINavigationController or UIViewController with child view controllers) and you would like to change view controller responsible for status bar you should use childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden: property. Eg:

Set first view controller instance always responsible for status bar management


- (UIViewController *)childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden {
    return childViewControllers.first; // or viewControllers.first

Swift 2

override var childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden() -> UIViewController? {
    return childViewControllers.first // or viewControllers.first

Swift 3+

override var childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden: UIViewController? {
    return childViewControllers.first // or viewControllers.first

Set container view controller responsible for status bar management


- (UIViewController *)childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden {
    return nil;

Swift 2

override func childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden() -> UIViewController? {
    return nil

Swift 3+

override var childViewControllerForStatusBarHidden: UIViewController? {
    return nil

Documentation: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiviewcontroller/1621451-childviewcontrollerforstatusbarh

  1. Go to Info.plist file
  2. Hover on one of those lines and a (+) and (-) button will show up.
  3. Click the plus button to add new key
  4. Type in start with capital V and automatically the first choice will be View controller-based status bar appearance. Add that as the KEY.
  5. Set the VALUE to "NO"
  6. Go to you AppDelegate.m for Objective-C (for swift language: AppDelegate.swift)
  7. Add the code, inside the method

For Objective-C:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [application setStatusBarHidden:YES];

    return YES;

For Swift:

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey:Any]?) -> Bool {
    application.statusBarHidden = true

    return true

Done! Run your app and no more status bar!


You can hide the status bar without writing a single line of code, it just requires two entries into the info.plist the first is

"View controller-based status bar appearance" set to NO

the second is

"Status bar is initially hidden" set to YES


You can add that row to your Info.plist file if it isn't there. Just go to the project in Xcode, go to the "Info" section, and hover over one of the existing rows. A "+" button should appear, allowing you to add a line and input "View controller-based status bar appearance".


For iOS 10 with Swift 3 you should use:

override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool {
    get {
        return true
  1. Open info.plist
  2. "View controller-based status bar appearance" set to NO
  3. "Status bar is initially hidden" set to YES
  4. Done

No need to write a line of code...Cheers


If you use UIDocumentInteractionController to show data then you never hide status bar so i have alternate of this

 [[UIApplication sharedApplication] setStatusBarStyle:UIStatusBarStyleLightContent];

this line change the color of status bar content into white