using Mule and MQTT I can't subscribe a client to multiple topics.
I configure config global element in this way:
<mqtt:config name="mqttSubscriber" doc:name="MQTT" brokerServerUri="${mqtt.url}" clientId="#['spy@']" password="${mqtt.username}" username="${mqtt.password}">
<mqtt:connection-pooling-profile initialisationPolicy="INITIALISE_ONE" exhaustedAction="WHEN_EXHAUSTED_WAIT" maxActive="1" maxIdle="1" maxWait="1"/>
In a flow I use:
<mqtt:subscribe config-ref="mqttSubscriber" doc:name="MQTTSubscriber1" topicFilter="a" qos="ONLY_ONCE"/>
and in another flow:
<mqtt:subscribe config-ref="mqttSubscriber" doc:name="MQTTSubscriber2" topicFilter="b" qos="ONLY_ONCE"/>
When the application starts, it is subscribed only to one topic.
What is wrong on my configuration? Maybe I have to create different clients?
Thanks at all in advance.