I can't seem to find the documentation about how to upload files that are greater than 30MB to google cloud storage. I have just been using:
gsutil cp test.csv gs://example
Any help would be awesome. Thanks
If you are using the CSV format you can also upload the gzip version. Just create a gzip file and upload on GCS using below:
gsutil cp <localgzipfile> gs://location/of/gzipfile.csv.gz
I am using this strategy to upload more than 200MB flat file whose gzip version is mere 40 MB. Hope this helps.
More info can be found here
gsutil -D cp test.csv gs://example
That would give you more details. I'd like you to share with us that information (you can upload it to pastebin for example). If so, please remember to remove all the confidential data that appears in the output of that command. [1] cloud.google.com/storage/docs/overview#features – Adriángsutil -m cp -r source destination
this is the command I am using.-m
option splits it into multiple processes to make it fast. Can you put error logs for details? – Yogesh Patil