
I am testing SVN user for the read only access: following are is the configuration that I have in apache2 and svn repo conf:

However my test user have read and write access, instead I want read only access.

repo location

file: /etc/apache2/conf.d/svn.conf

<location /repos>
   DAV svn 
   #svn path
   SVNParentPath /svn/
   AuthType Basic
   AuthName "Authorization Realm"
   #password file path
   AuthUserFile /etc/subversion/test.users
   Require valid-user

authz conf (only one entry) file: /svn/test/conf/authz

* = r

also tried: following

readonly = user1, user2


also tried: following [groups] readonly = user1, user2

What is your question?nobody

1 Answers


AuthzSVNAccessFile /svn/test/conf/authz

  • You last authz-file is wrongly-formatted: path-section must have format without URL or IP of host, only [repository-name:/path/on/this/repo] ([/]is special case). I.e for [test:/svn/test/] after adding AuthzSVNAccessFile you define folder /svn/test/ in repository test as RO for everybody, second attempt is excessive: * = r will define all repositories RO for everybody, @readonly = r also RO for additional group (which is part of "Everybody" *)