I am fairly new to the AutoHotKey program. I am trying to create a fairly simple "app", which lets me enter some details, and then return them to me in a msgBox. This is what I do:
Gui, Add, Text, x26 y27 w420 h30 , MAWB: (Udfyld MAWB nummer format: xxx-xxxxxxxx)
Gui, Add, Edit, x26 y67 w420 h20 mawb, MAWB Nummer
Gui, Add, Text, x26 y107 w420 h30 , Vælg Handling Agent
Gui, Add, DropDownList, x26 y147 w420 h10 cfs , WFS (5151515151)|Spirit (5151515151)
Gui, Add, CheckBox, x26 y197 w130 h30 forside, Opret og Print Forside
Gui, Add, Button, x26 y257 w140 h40 submitBtn, Udfyld Detaljer Automatisk
; Generated using SmartGUI Creator 4.0
Gui, Show, x131 y91 h379 w479, New GUI Window
Gui, Submit
MsgBox, 4, Mawb: %mawb%, CFS: %cfs%
Gui, Destroy
When I click on the button, in the above AHK script, nothing happens.. How can I submit a script in AHK gui, and then do something after the "form" has been submitted?
Thanks in advance!