I have an XML document which contains a list of customers and their orders and items in those orders. I want to get a list containing distinct values of customers. The customer's id is the attribute of "Name". Example XML:
<Customer Name="c2">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="xyz">i10</Item>
<Customer Name="c3">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="qwe">i11</Item>
<Item Description="mnb">i12</Item>
<Order OrderNumber="o2">
<Item Description="cfg">i5</Item>
<Customer Name="c1">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="abc">i1</Item>
<Item Description="def">i2</Item>
<Customer Name="c4">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="abc">i1</Item>
<Order OrderNumber="o2">
<Item Description="def">i2</Item>
<Customer Name="c2">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="milk"/>
<Customer Name="c10">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="chips greek yogort avacado"/>
<Customer Name="c4">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="tea bags cheese"/>
<Customer Name="c11">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description=" milk sushi Notebook "/>
<Customer Name="c11">
<Order OrderNumber="o2">
<Item Description="grape tomato"/>
<Customer Name="c12">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="bread"/>
and below is the result I want to get:
<Customer Name="c1">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="abc">i1</Item>
<Item Description="def">i2</Item>
<Customer Name="c2">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="xyz">i10</Item>
<Customer Name="c3">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="qwe">i11</Item>
<Item Description="mnb">i12</Item>
<Order OrderNumber="o2">
<Item Description="cfg">i5</Item>
<Customer Name="c4">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="abc">i1</Item>
<Order OrderNumber="o2">
<Item Description="def">i2</Item>
<Customer Name="c10">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="chips">i1</Item>
<Item Description="greek yogort">i2</Item>
<Item Description="avacado">i3</Item>
<Customer Name="c11">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="milk">i1</Item>
<Item Description="sushi">i2</Item>
<Item Description="Notebook">i3</Item>
<Order OrderNumber="o2">
<Item Description="grape tomato">i1</Item>
<Customer Name="c12">
<Order OrderNumber="o1">
<Item Description="bread">i1</Item>
I used the following XQuery:
let $customer := doc("customerunion.xml")/customerunion/Customer
let $allcustomername := doc("customerunion.xml")/Customer/@Name
for $uniquecustomer in distinct-values($customer/@Name)
let $order := distinct-values($customer[Name=$uniquecustomer]/Order)
let $item := distinct-values($customer[Name=$uniquecustomer]/Order/Item)
where $uniquecustomer = $allcustomername
for $o in $order
return $o
for $i in $item
return $i
However, I got no results from running the query. Can you help me to modify to the XQuery to get the desired result?
whereas the XML has<customersunion>
: there is ans
in the middle of the element name. Your secondlet
statement leaves out/customersunion/
completely. For these reasons, your first two variables will contain nothing. – LarsHfn:trace()
function, which you can use for debugging. – dirkk