
I am trying to implement a NaN-safe shuffling procedure in Cython that can shuffle along several axis of a multidimensional matrix of arbitrary dimension.

In the simple case of a 1D matrix, one can simply shuffle over all indices with non-NaN values using the Fisher–Yates algorithm:

def shuffle1D(np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] x):
    cdef np.ndarray[long, ndim=1] idx = np.where(~np.isnan(x))[0]
    cdef unsigned int i,j,n,m

    randint = np.random.randint
    for i in xrange(len(idx)-1, 0, -1):
        j = randint(i+1)
        n,m = idx[i], idx[j]
        x[n], x[m] = x[m], x[n]

I would like to extend this algorithm to handle large multidimensional arrays without reshape (which triggers a copy for more complicated cases not considered here). To this end, I would need to get rid of the fixed input dimension, which seems neither possible with numpy arrays nor memoryviews in Cython. Is there a workaround?

Many thanks in advance!

So is the problem just having an arbitrary number of dimensions?Veedrac
How many for-loops will you use when the dimension of the input is unknown?user2379410
@moarningsun it is possible to use the array strides in order to scan the memory along any axis for a general case...Saullo G. P. Castro

2 Answers


Thanks to the comments of @Veedrac this answer uses more of Cython capabilities.

  • A pointer array stores the memory address of the values along axis
  • Your algorithm is used with a modification that checks for nan values, preventing them of being sorted
  • It won't create a copy for C ordered arrays. In case of Fortran ordered arrays the ravel() command will return a copy. This could be improved by creating another array of double pointers to carry the values of x, probably with some cache penalty...

This code is at least one order of magnitude faster than the other based on slices.

from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free

cimport numpy as np
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import randint

cdef extern from "numpy/npy_math.h":
    bint npy_isnan(double x)

def shuffleND(x, int axis=-1):
    cdef np.ndarray[double, ndim=1] v # view of x
    cdef np.ndarray[int, ndim=1] strides
    cdef int i, j
    cdef int num_axis, pos, stride
    cdef double tmp
    cdef double **v_axis

    if axis==-1:
        axis = x.ndim-1

    shape = list(x.shape)
    num_axis = shape.pop(axis)

    v_axis = <double **>malloc(num_axis*sizeof(double *))
    for i in range(num_axis):
        v_axis[i] = <double *>malloc(1*sizeof(double))

        tmp_strides = [s//x.itemsize for s in x.strides]
        stride = tmp_strides.pop(axis)
        strides = np.array(tmp_strides, dtype=np.int32)
        v = x.ravel()
        for indices in np.ndindex(*shape):
            pos = (strides*indices).sum()
            for i in range(num_axis):
                v_axis[i] = &v[pos + i*stride]
            for i in range(num_axis-1, 0, -1):
                j = randint(i+1)
                if npy_isnan(v_axis[i][0]) or npy_isnan(v_axis[j][0]):
                tmp = v_axis[i][0]
                v_axis[i][0] = v_axis[j][0]
                v_axis[j][0] = tmp

    return x

The following algorithm is based on slices, where no copy is made and it should work for any np.ndarray. The main steps are:

  • np.ndindex() is used to run throught the different multidimensional indices, excluding the one belonging to the axis you want to shuffle
  • the shuffle already developed by you for the 1-D case is applied.


def shuffleND(np.ndarray x, axis=-1):
    cdef np.ndarray[long long, ndim=1] idx
    cdef unsigned int i, j, n, m
    if axis==-1:
        axis = x.ndim-1
    all_shape = list(np.shape(x))
    shape = all_shape[:]
    for slices in np.ndindex(*shape):
        slices = list(slices)
        axis_slice = slices[:]
        axis_slice.insert(axis, slice(None))
        idx = np.where(~np.isnan(x[tuple(axis_slice)]))[0]
        for i in range(idx.shape[0]-1, 0, -1):
            j = randint(i+1)
            n, m = idx[i], idx[j]
            slice1 = slices[:]
            slice1.insert(axis, n)
            slice2 = slices[:]
            slice2.insert(axis, m)
            slice1 = tuple(slice1)
            slice2 = tuple(slice2)
            x[slice1], x[slice2] = x[slice2], x[slice1]
    return x