I'm geting an error 'The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("test.csv");
blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "text/csv; charset=utf-8";
The error is being thrown at SetProperties.
I have seen a few codes where they do not call SetProperties(). Does the contenttype get saved to the blob in such cases?
I did some search and found some people suggesting to check on fiddler.
The following is happening on fiddler..
/xxxevents?restype=container Result 404
/xxxevents?restype=container Result 201 Created ( Container.CreateIfNotExists called)
Now it throws an error while creating the blob.. Request and response headers provided..
404 HTTPS xxx.blob.core.windows.net /xxxevents/test.csv?comp=properties 215 application/xml waworkerhost:5500
PUT https://xxx.blob.core.windows.net/xxxevents/test.csv?comp=properties HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: WA-Storage/4.3.0 (.NET CLR 4.0.30319.18444; Win32NT 6.1.7601.65536)
x-ms-version: 2014-02-14
x-ms-blob-content-type: text/csv; charset=utf-8
x-ms-client-request-id: 2424933c-1bd7-49fd-998e-11d5499da03b
x-ms-date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 07:16:04 GMT
Authorization: SharedKey xxx:tQ6DeUSVSq0TIaRjnVQoOgqNJIlHU5k1uay4loMeU04=
Host: xxx.blob.core.windows.net
Content-Length: 0
HTTP/1.1 404 The specified blob does not exist.
Content-Length: 215
Content-Type: application/xml
Server: Windows-Azure-Blob/1.0 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0
x-ms-request-id: 7845cafa-0001-0033-7d19-af2c68000000
x-ms-version: 2014-02-14
Date: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 07:15:53 GMT
Would sincerely appreciate any help