
I implemented a custom friends selector to send app invite requests for my website to a user's FB friends. But that show no of limitations, first that invitation may be sent to at max 50 people. I have seen games on FB sending app invite requests to user's all friends, wont that same kind of invite work for my website ?

Secondly Using the requests dialog with friend selector, there is no way to select all friends for invite. How could I make it better towards sending app invites to user's all friends ?

At some places in the FB devlopers docs, they mention explicity games & apps on facebook. If I am a website with a FB canvas page as well. Can I use the services availble for games on facebook? (Is it Legal ?)


1 Answers


App requests are for games, not for sharing a website.

The only serious (and not spammy) way to share a website on Facebook is to use the Send or Share Dialogs:

You may want to read this too: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/faq#invite_to_app