So I am able to set up dynamic height sizing with auto layout when I have only one label that changes the height based on the length of the string. My problem is that if I add another UILabel that should do the same, things don't work out.
I am setting both the Content Hugging priority and the Compression Resistance to 1000 for both == I get warnings of ambiguity
If I set the Content Hugging (Vertical) for the second UILabel to 999 or 250 then it works great but only if the second label has 2 or more line. If the second label is blank or has only one line, the heightForRowAtIndexPath systemLayoutSizeFittingSize:UILayoutFittingCompressedSize height returns large values, and the cells have large blank spaces.
I also played around with the Intrinsic Size: Default or Placeholder(with couple of heights and widths) but it does not help either.
Anyone any suggestions what can be done?