
I'm trying to write a simple procedure that checks if a list has any duplicates. This is what I have tried so far:

% returns true if the list has no duplicate items.
no_duplicates([X|XS]) :- member(X,XS) -> false ; no_duplicates(XS).
no_duplicates([]) :- true. 

If I try no_duplicates([1,2,3,3]). It says true. Why is this? I'm probably misunderstanding Prolog here, but any help is appreciated.

I assume you are using SWI Prolog (since you have the swi-prolog tag in the question). I tested your program with SWI 6.6.6 and it works for the case you mentioned, giving me false.Jay
That's weird.. I'm using 6.6.6 as well, and it gives me true.Nathan
How did you load the code? Did you put it in a file (say, "dup.prolog") then loaded it into SWI with ['dup.prolog']. before asking the query?Jay

5 Answers


To answer your questions: your solution actually fails as expected for no_duplicates([1,2,3,3]). So there is no problem.

Now take the queries:

?- A = 1, no_duplicates([A, 2]).
A = 1.
?-        no_duplicates([A, 2]), A = 1.

They both mean the same, so we should expect that Prolog will produce the same answer. (To be more precise we expect the same ignoring errors and non-termination).

However, four proposed solutions differ! And the one that does not, differs for:

?- A = 2, no_duplicates([A, 2]).
?-        no_duplicates([A, 2]), A = 2.

Note that it is always the second query that makes troubles. To solve this problem we need a good answer for no_duplicates([A, 2]). It cannot be false, since there are some values for A to make it true. Like A = 1. Nor can it be true, since some values do not fit, like A = 2.

Another possibility would be to issue an instantiation_error in this case. Meaning: I have not enough information so I better stop than mess around with potentially incorrect information.

Ideally, we get one answer that covers all possible solutions. This answer is dif(A, 2) which means that all A that are different to 2 are solutions.

dif/2 is one of the oldest built-in predicates, already Prolog 0 did possess it. Unfortunately, later developments discarded it in Prolog I and thus Edinburgh Prolog and thus ISO Prolog.

However, current systems including SICStus, YAP, SWI all offer it. And there is a safe way to approximate dif/2 safely in ISO-Prolog

no_duplicates(Xs) :-
   all_different(Xs). % the common name

all_different([X|Xs]) :-



Duplicates in a list are same elements not at the same place in the list, so no_duplicates can be written :

no_duplicates(L) :-
    \+((nth0(Id1, L, V), nth0(Id2, L, V), Id1 \= Id2)).

Here's yet another approach, which works because sort/2 removes duplicates:

no_duplicates(L) :-
    length(L, N),
    sort(L, LS),
    length(LS, N).

I'd go at the problem more descriptively:

no_duplicates( []     ) .  % the empty list is unique
no_duplicates( [X|Xs] ) :- % a list of length 1+ is unique
  \+ member(X,Xs) ,        % - if its head is not found in the tail,
  no_duplicates(Xs)        % - and its tail is itself unique.
  .                        %

Thinking on this, since this is a somewhat expensive operation — O(n2)? — it might be more efficient to use sort/2 and take advantage of the fact that it produces an ordered set, removing duplicates. You could say something like

no_duplicates( L ) :-
  sort(L,R)   , % sort the source list, removing duplicates
  length(L,N) , % determine the length of the source list
  length(R,N) . % check that against the result list

Or you could use msort/3 (which doesn't remove duplicates), might be a bit faster, too:

no_duplicates( L ) :-
  msort(L,R),            % order the list
  \+ append(_,[X,X|_],R) % see if we can find two consecutive identical members

Jay already noted that your code is working. An alternative, slightly less verbose

no_duplicates(L) :- \+ (append(_, [X|XS], L), memberchk(X, XS)).