We have a solution featuring a web application project destined as a web role in a Windows Azure cloud service. It also bears a cloud service project that targets the cloud service only (production slot)
SlnRoot\WebApp1\WebApp1.csproj SlnRoot\CloudDeployment\CloudServiceName\CloudServiceName.ccproj
Publishing (deploying) from Visual Studio is very easy; simply select the Publish... option from the cloud project's context menu and hit Publish with all the pre-configured cloud service settings.
Now we are going a further step of trying to automate this process so I'm trying it out from command-line and raw MSBuild without the aid of Visual Studio.
.nuget\nuget.exe restore
msbuild .\CloudDeployment\CloudServiceName\CloudServiceName.ccproj /t:Publish /p:PublishDir=..\..\pubout\ /fl1 /v:d
But it appears the Publish target is in reality the Package option in Visual Studio, only generating the cspkg file which has to be manually uploaded to Windows Azure portal. This will not do, of course. Is there a separate target to specify to carry out the additional step (Deploy is not it; no such target) that Visual Studio carries out so easily?