I am performing some tests using HBase and Hadoop, I did setup a cluster with one master, two zookeeper and four region servers. Up until yestarday everything was working perfectly well, starting from today it simply don't start anymore.
When executing start-hbase all the process get alive:
- HMaster using ports 8020 and 60010
- HQuorumPeer using ports 2181 and 3888
- HRegionServer
However when I take a look onto the server logs it seems the servers got stucked for some reason...
. HServer stop printing a WARNING about a native library that I was supposed to be using . HQuorumPeer on node 1 prints a WARNING about Getting a zxid 0x10000000001 expected 0x1 . HQuorumPerr on node 1 has not print at all
Does someone has any idea on this?